2025 Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquake | AFGHANISTAN | ALEUTIAN IS. | ARGENTINA | ARKANSAS | Adriatic Sea | Aegean Sea | Afghanistan | Afghanistan-Pakistan border region | Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region |
Afghanistan-Tajikistan-Pakistan region | Alabama | Alaska | Alaska Peninsula | Alaska region | Albania | Albania-Macedonia border region | Albania-Serbia-Montenegro border region | Algeria | American Samoa |
Angola | Anguilla | Antarctica | Antigua and Barbuda | Arabian Sea | Arafura Sea | Arctic Ocean | Argentina | Argentina region | Argentina-Paraguay border region |
Arizona | Arkansas | Armenia | Aruba | Aruba region | Ascension Island region | Australia | Australia region | Austria | Austria-Italy-Slovenia border region |
Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan-Iran border region | Azores Islands region | Azores-Cape St. Vincent Ridge | BORON | BOUVET ISLAND REGION | Baffin Bay | Bahama Islands | Bali Sea | Balleny Islands region |
Baltic Sea | Banda Sea | Bangladesh | Barbados | Barbuda | Barents Sea | Bay of Bengal | Bay of Biscay | Bay of Campeche | Beaufort Sea |
Belgium | Benin - Togo region | Bering Sea | Bering Strait | Bermuda region | Bhutan | Bismarck Sea | Black Sea | Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Botswana | Bouvet Island | Bouvet Island region | Brazil | Bristol Bay | British Indian Ocean Territory | British Virgin Islands | Broken Ridge | Bulgaria | Bulgaria-Greece-Turkey border region |
Burma | Burundi | Burundi region | CA | CENTRAL ITALY | CHINA | CLC | COLORADO | CORONA | COSO |
CPE-3 | CUSHENBURY | Cabo Verde | California | California Earthquake | California-Baja California border region | California-Nevada border region | California-Nevada-Arizona border region | Cameroon | Canada |
Canada region | Cape Verde | Caribbean Sea | Carlsberg Ridge | Caspian Sea | Cayman Islands | Cayman Islands region | Celebes Sea | Central African Republic | Central Alaska |
Central California | Central East Pacific Rise | Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge | Central Peru | Central Turkey | Chagos Archipelago region | Chesapeake Bay region | Chile | Chile-Argentina border region | Chile-Bolivia border region |
China | China Earthquake | China-Laos border region | China-Laos-Vietnam border region | China-North Korea border region | China-Russia-North Korea border region | China-Vietnam border region | Christmas Island | Chukchi Sea | Colombia |
Colombia-Ecuador border region | Colombia-Venezuela border region | Colorado | Comoros | Comoros region | Congo-Rwanda-Uganda | Congo-Tanzania-Zambia | Congo-Uganda | Connecticut | Coral Sea |
Costa Rica | Croatia | Croatia region | Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina border region | Croatia-Bosnia-Montenegro border region | Crozet Islands region | Cuba | Cuba region | Curaçao | Cyprus |
Cyprus region | Czech Republic | Czech Republic region | D'Entrecasteaux Islands region | Davis Strait | Dead Sea region | Delaware | Dem. Republic of the Congo-Tanzania | Democratic Republic of the Congo | Democratic Republic of the Congo-Zambia |
Denmark | Djibouti | Djibouti region | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Dominican Republic region | Drake Passage | E-VISTA | EASTERN IRAN | EASTERN XIZANG |
EASTSIDE RES. | ECUADOR | ELS | East Timor | East Timor region | East central Pacific Ocean | East of Severnaya Zemlya | East of the Kuril Islands | East of the Mariana Islands | East of the North Island of New Zealand |
East of the Philippine Islands | East of the South Sandwich Islands | East of the Volcano Islands | Easter Island region | Eastern Greenland | Eastern Montana | Eastern Xizang | Ecuador | Ecuador region | Egypt |
El Salvador | English Channel | Equatorial Guinea | Eritrea | Eritrea - Ethiopia region | Eritrea-Ethiopia border region | Estonia | Ethiopia | Falkland Islands | Falkland Islands region |
Faroe Islands region | Federated States of Micronesia | Federated States of Micronesia region | Fiji | Fiji region | Finland | Finland-Russia border region | Flores Sea | Florida | France |
French Guiana | French Polynesia region | French Southern Territories | GAV | GORMAN | Gabon | Galapagos Triple Junction region | Georgia | Georgia (Sak'art'velo) | Georgia-Armenia border region |
Georgia-Turkey border region | Germany | Germany-Czech Republic border region | Ghana | Golfo de Venezuela | Greece | Greece-Albania border region | Greece-Bulgaria border region | Greenland | Greenland Sea |
Grenada | Guadeloupe | Guam | Guam region | Guatemala | Guinea | Gulf of Aden | Gulf of Alaska | Gulf of California | Gulf of Carpentaria |
Gulf of Maine | Gulf of Mexico | Gulf of Oman | Gulf of Thailand | Gulf of Tongking | Guyana | HECTOR | HI | Haiti | Haiti region |
Hawaii | Hawaiian Islands region | Honduras | Honduras-Guatemala border region | Hudson Bay | Hungary | INDONESIA | Iceland | Iceland region | Idaho |
Idaho-Montana border region | Illinois | Illinois-Kentucky border region | India | India region | India-Bangladesh border region | India-Pakistan border region | Indian Ocean Triple Junction | Indiana | Indonesia |
Ionian Sea | Iowa | Iran | Iran-Afghanistan border region | Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan border region | Iran-Iraq border region | Iran-Pakistan border region | Iraq | Iraq-Kuwait border region | Iraq-Saudi Arabia border region |
Ireland | Irish Sea | Israel | Italy | Italy-Slovenia-Croatia border region | JAPAN | JJ | Jamaica | Jamaica region | Jan Mayen Island region |
Japan | Japan Earthquake | Japan region | Java Sea | Jersey | Jordan | Jordan-Saudi Arabia border region | Juan Fernandez Islands region | KANSAS | KURIL ISLANDS |
Kansas | Kashmir-India border region | Kashmir-Xinjiang border region | Kashmir-Xizang border region | Kazakhstan | Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan border region | Kazakhstan-Xinjiang border region | Kentucky | Kentucky-Tennessee border region | Kenya |
Kenya-Ethiopia | Kenya-Sudan | Kenya-Tanzania | Kerguelen Islands region | Kermadec Islands region | Kiribati | Kiribati region | Korea Bay | Korea Strait | Kosovo |
Kuril Islands | Kuwait | Kuwait region | Kuwait-Saudi Arabia border region | Kyrgyzstan | Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border region | Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan-Xinjiang border region | Kyrgyzstan-Xinjiang border region | Labrador Sea | Laccadive Sea |
Lake Almanor Earthquake | Lake Malawi region | Lake Tanganyika region | Laos | Laos-Vietnam border region | Laptev Sea | Latvia | Lebanon | Lebanon - Syria region | Leeward Islands |
Lesotho | Liberia region | Libya | Liechtenstein | Ligurian Sea | Lithuania-Russia border region | Lomonosov Ridge | Louisiana | Louisiana-Texas border region | Luxembourg |
MEXICO | MISSION | MOJAVE | MONOLITH | MX | Macao | Macedonia | Macedonia region | Macedonia-Serbia border region | Macquarie Island region |
Madagascar | Maine | Malawi | Malawi-Tanzania | Malaysia | Maldive Islands region | Maldives | Mali | Malta | Malta region |
Mariana Islands region | Marshall Islands region | Martinique | Maryland | Massachusetts | Mauritania | Mauritius | Mauritius - Reunion region | Mayotte | Mayotte region |
Mexico | Mexico-Guatemala border region | Michigan | Micronesia | Mid-Indian Ridge | Midway Islands region | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Missouri-Arkansas border region |
Molucca Sea | Mona Passage | Mongolia | Mongolia-China border region | Montana | Montenegro | Montenegro-Albania border region | Montserrat | Morocco | Mozambique |
Mozambique Channel | Myanmar | Myanmar-Bangladesh border region | Myanmar-China border region | Myanmar-India border region | Myanmar-Thailand border region | NC | NEW MEXICO | NORTHWEST OF KURIL ISLANDS | NV |
Namibia | Near the coast of Azerbaijan | Near the coast of Guatemala | Near the coast of southern Peru | Nebraska | Nepal | Nepal-India border region | Netherlands | Netherlands Antilles region | Nevada |
New Caledonia | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Jersey Earthquake | New Mexico | New Mexico-Sonora-Chihuahua border region | New Mexico-Texas-Chihuahua border region | New York | New Zealand | New Zealand region |
Nicaragua | Niger | Nigeria | Niue | Norfolk Island | North Atlantic Ocean | North Carolina | North Dakota | North Indian Ocean | North Island of New Zealand |
North Korea | North Macedonia | North Pacific Ocean | North Sea | North of Ascension Island | North of Franz Josef Land | North of Macquarie Island | North of New Zealand | North of Severnaya Zemlya | North of Svalbard |
North of the Solomon Islands | North of the Virgin Islands | Northeastern Iran | Northern California | Northern East Pacific Rise | Northern Idaho | Northern Mariana Islands | Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge | Northern Peru | Northwest of Australia |
Northwestern Iran | Norway | Norway-Russia border region | Norway-Sweden border region | Norwegian Sea | OCOTILLO | OFF COAST OF COSTA RICA | OKLAHOMA | OR | ORO-GRANDE |
Off the coast of Central America | Off the coast of Ecuador | Off the coast of Mexico | Off the coast of Northern California | Off the coast of Oregon | Off the coast of South Africa | Off the coast of Southeastern Alaska | Off the coast of northern Peru | Off the coast of southern Peru | Off the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand |
Off the east coast of the United States | Off the west coast of northern Sumatra | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oman | Oman - United Arab Emirates region | Oregon | Oregon-Idaho border region | Owen Fracture Zone region | PALA-HWY |
PANAMA-COSTA RICA BORDER REGION | PANAMINT | PFIZER | PNG | Pacific-Antarctic Ridge | Pakistan | Palau | Palau region | Panama | Panama-Colombia border region |
Panama-Costa Rica border region | Papua New Guinea | Pennsylvania | Persian Gulf | Peru | Peru-Bolivia border region | Peru-Brazil border region | Peru-Ecuador border region | Philippine Islands region | Philippine Sea |
Philippines | Pitcairn Islands region | Poland | Poland-Czech Republic border region | Poland-Czech Republic-Slovakia Border Region | Poland-Slovakia border region | Portugal | Portugal region | Potomac-Shenandoah region | Prince Edward Islands |
Prince Edward Islands region | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico region | Pyrenees | Qinghai-Xizang-Sichuan border region | REVILLA GIGEDO ISLANDS REGION | RUN | Red Sea | Republic of the Congo | Reunion |
Reunion region | Revilla Gigedo Islands | Revilla Gigedo Islands region | Reykjanes Ridge | Rhode Island | Romania | Romania-Moldova border region | Ross Sea | Russia | Russia region |
Russia-Azerbaijan border region | Russia-Georgia border region | Russia-Georgia-Azerbaijan border region | Russia-Kazakhstan border region | Russia-Kazakhstan-Xinjiang border region | Russia-Mongolia border region | Russia-Ukraine border region | Rwanda | Rwanda - Burundi region | S-VISTA |
SLOVER | SYS-1 | SYS-BAR | SYS-CPE | Sabah-Kalimantan border region | Saint Barthélemy | Saint Eustatius and Saba | Saint Helena | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Saint Lucia |
Saint Martin | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Samoa | Samoa Islands | Samoa Islands region | Santa Cruz Islands | Santa Cruz Islands region | Sao Tome and Principe | Sao Tome and Principe region |
Saudi Arabia | Savu Sea | Scotia Sea | Sea of Japan | Sea of Okhotsk | Serbia | Serbia-Romania border region | Sierra Leone | Sint Maarten | Slovakia |
Slovakia-Hungary-Ukraine border region | Slovenia | Slovenia-Croatia border region | Socotra region | Solomon Islands | Somalia | Sonic Boom - Southern New Jersey | South Africa | South Atlantic Ocean | South Australia |
South Carolina | South China Sea | South Dakota | South Dakota-Minnesota border region | South Georgia Island region | South Georgia Rise | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | South Indian Ocean | South Island of New Zealand | South Korea |
South Pacific Ocean | South Sandwich Islands | South Sandwich Islands region | South Shetland Islands | South Sudan | South of Africa | South of Alaska | South of Australia | South of Panama | South of Tasmania |
South of Timor | South of Tonga | South of the Aleutian Islands | South of the Fiji Islands | South of the Kermadec Islands | South of the Mariana Islands | Southeast Indian Ridge | Southeast central Pacific Ocean | Southeast of Easter Island | Southeastern Alaska |
Southern Alaska | Southern California | Southern East Pacific Rise | Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge | Southern New Jersey | Southern Pacific Ocean | Southern Peru | Southern Texas | Southern Tibetan Plateau | Southern Tibetan Plateau |
Southwest Indian Ridge | Southwest of Africa | Southwest of the Galapagos Islands | Southwestern Atlantic Ocean | Spain | Spain region | St. Helena region | Strait of Gibraltar | Strait of Hormuz | Strait of Malacca |
Sudan | Sulu Sea | Svalbard and Jan Mayen | Svalbard region | Swaziland | Sweden | Switzerland | Syria | Syria-Iraq border region | Syria-Jordan border region |
TPO-DBM | Taiwan | Taiwan Strait | Taiwan region | Tajikistan | Tajikistan-Afghanistan-Xinjiang border region | Tajikistan-Xinjiang border region | Tanzania | Tanzania-Mozambique border region | Tanzania-Zambia |
Tennessee | Tennessee-North Carolina border region | Tennessee-Virginia border region | Texas | Texas Panhandle region | Texas-Chihuahua border region | Texas-Coahuila border region | Thailand | Thailand-Laos border region | The Netherlands |
Tibetan Plateau | Timor Leste | Timor Sea | Timor region | Tokelau | Tonga | Tonga region | Trinidad and Tobago | Tristan da Cunha region | Tunisia |
Turkey | Turkey-Armenia border region | Turkey-Iran border region | Turkey-Iran-Iraq border region | Turkey-Iraq border region | Turkey-Syria border region | Turkey-Syria-Iraq border region | Turkmenistan | Turkmenistan-Afghanistan border region | Turkmenistan-Iran border region |
Turks and Caicos Islands region | Tuvalu | Tyrrhenian Sea | U.S. Virgin Islands | USA | Uganda | Ukraine | Ukraine-Moldova border region | Ukraine-Romania border region | Ukraine-Romania-Moldova border region |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom region | Usa-Canada | Utah | Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan-Kyrgyzstan border region | VICTORVILLE | VISTA | Vanuatu | Vanuatu region |
Vatican | Venezuela | Venezuela region | Vermont | Vermont - New Hampshire region | Vietnam | Virgin Islands | Virgin Islands region | Virginia | Virginia-North Carolina border region |
WESTERN IRAN | WRC-1 | WRC-CLC | Wallis and Futuna | Washington | Washington-British Columbia border region | Washington-Oregon border region | West Chile Rise | West Virginia | West of Australia |
West of Macquarie Island | West of Vancouver Island | West of the Galapagos Islands | West of the Queen Charlotte Islands | Western Australia | Western Indian-Antarctic Ridge | Western Mongolia | Western Montana | Western Sahara | Western Turkey |
Western Xizang | Windward Islands | Wisconsin | Wyoming | Xinjiang-Xizang border region | Xizang-India-Myanmar border region | Xizang-Nepal border region | Xizang-Qinghai border region | Xizang-Sichuan border region | Xizang-Yunnan border region |
Yellow Sea | Yemen | Yemen-Saudi Arabia border region | Zambia | Zimbabwe | central Afghanistan | central East Pacific Rise | central Iran | central Italy | central Kazakhstan |
central Mediterranean Sea | central Mid-Atlantic Ridge | central Mongolia | central Peru | central Texas | central Turkey | east Siberian Sea | east central Pacific Ocean | east of Australia | east of Severnaya Zemlya |
east of Tanzania | east of the Bonin Islands | east of the Izu Islands | east of the Kuril Islands | east of the Mariana Islands | east of the North Island of New Zealand | east of the Philippine Islands | east of the South Sandwich Islands | east of the Volcano Islands | eastern Greenland |
eastern Iran | eastern Kashmir | eastern Kazakhstan | eastern Kentucky | eastern Mediterranean Sea | eastern Missouri | eastern Mongolia | eastern Montana | eastern Russia-northeastern China border region | eastern Saudi Arabia |
eastern Sea of Japan | eastern Tennessee | eastern Texas | eastern Turkey | eastern Uzbekistan | eastern Xizang | eastern Xizang-India border region | near the coast of Bangladesh | near the coast of Ecuador | near the coast of Eritrea |
near the coast of Guatemala | near the coast of Libya | near the coast of Nicaragua | near the coast of Northern California | near the coast of Oman | near the coast of Oregon | near the coast of South Australia | near the coast of Syria | near the coast of Venezuela | near the coast of Washington |
near the coast of Yemen | near the coast of central Chile | near the coast of central Peru | near the coast of northern Iran | near the coast of northern Peru | near the coast of southeastern Iran | near the coast of southern Peru | near the coast of western Turkey | near the east coast of Australia | near the east coast of Sri Lanka |
near the north coast of Colombia | near the north coast of Greenland | near the south coast of France | near the south coast of Myanmar | near the southeast coast of Australia | near the west coast of Colombia | near the west coast of Yemen | north of Ascension Island | north of Franz Josef Land | north of Honduras |
north of Macquarie Island | north of New Zealand | north of Panama | north of Puerto Rico | north of Severnaya Zemlya | north of Svalbard | north of the Dominican Republic | north of the Fiji Islands | north of the New Siberian Islands | north of the Solomon Islands |
north of the Virgin Islands | northeast of Taiwan | northeastern Iran | northeastern Somalia | northern Alaska | northern Algeria | northern Colombia | northern East Pacific Rise | northern Idaho | northern Iran |
northern Italy | northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge | northern Norway | northern Peru | northern Texas | northwest of Australia | northwest of Madagascar | northwest of New Zealand | northwest of the Kuril Islands | northwestern Balkan region |
northwestern Iran | northwestern Kashmir | northwestern Russia | northwestern Somalia | off the coast of California | off the coast of Central America | off the coast of Costa Rica | off the coast of Ecuador | off the coast of El Salvador | off the coast of Guatemala |
off the coast of Mexico | off the coast of Northern California | off the coast of Oregon | off the coast of Pakistan | off the coast of South Africa | off the coast of Southeastern Alaska | off the coast of Tanzania | off the coast of Washington | off the coast of central Peru | off the coast of eastern China |
off the coast of northern Peru | off the coast of southern Peru | off the east coast of the North Island of New Zealand | off the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand | off the east coast of the United States | off the south coast of Australia | off the west coast of Baja California | off the west coast of northern Sumatra | off the west coast of the North Island of New Zealand | off the west coast of the South Island of New Zealand |
offshore Azerbaijan | offshore Belize | offshore Central California | offshore El Salvador | offshore Georgia | offshore Guatemala | offshore Honduras | offshore Northern California | offshore Oregon | offshore Turkmenistan |
offshore Washington | south of Africa | south of Alaska | south of Australia | south of New Zealand | south of Panama | south of Tasmania | south of Timor | south of Tonga | south of the Aleutian Islands |
south of the Chatham Islands | south of the Fiji Islands | south of the Kermadec Islands | south of the Mariana Islands | south of the Solomon Islands | southeast Indian Ridge | southeast central Pacific Ocean | southeast of Australia | southeast of Easter Island | southeast of Taiwan |
southeast of the Galapagos Islands | southeast of the Loyalty Islands | southeastern China | southeastern Iran | southeastern Missouri | southern East Pacific Rise | southern Greece | southern Idaho | southern Iran | southern Italy |
southern Kerguelen Plateau | southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge | southern New England | southern Norway | southern Pacific Ocean | southern Peru | southern Texas | southwest of Africa | southwest of Australia | southwest of New Caledonia |
southwest of the Galapagos Islands | southwestern Atlantic Ocean | southwestern Kashmir | southwestern Pakistan | southwestern Russia | west of Australia | west of Gibraltar | west of Macquarie Island | west of Vancouver Island | west of the Galapagos Islands |
west of the Mariana Islands | west of the Queen Charlotte Islands | western Afghanistan | western Greenland | western Indian-Antarctic Ridge | western Iran | western Kazakhstan | western Kentucky | western Mediterranean Sea | western Mongolia |
western Montana | western Russia | western Saudi Arabia | western Texas | western Turkey | western Uzbekistan | western Xizang | western Xizang-India border region |